Environmental Science & Approvals

Australia’s legislative approval requirements have evolved significantly in recent years. Approvals now demand a multidisciplinary approach, interfacing with multiple regulators and supported by comprehensive technical studies seamlessly integrated into the process. Increasing compliance, monitoring and oversight requirements have elevated environmental science considerations, ensuring ongoing operational viability. Our team brings extensive expertise in environmental, planning and earth resources approvals. Our advice is grounded in technical rigour, regulatory understanding and meaningful engagement with community and stakeholders.

Expertise Overview

Environmental Approvals

We assist with obtaining environmental regulatory permissions, preparing environmental impact statements, and securing social licenses through community and stakeholder engagement. Our expertise includes managing technical studies, conducting risk assessments and ensuring seamless project execution.

Compliance Support

We provide technical investigations, regulator liaison and strategic advice to ensure your projects meet all compliance requirements.

Site Selection Due Diligence

We offer site selection due diligence to ensure feasibility, manage risks and meet regulatory requirements.


Sustainability & Circular Economy


Renewable Energy